Mini-Environments come in many shapes and sizes. These custom Environments provide very specific isolation requirements for a wide variety of manufacturing processes or activities. Mini-Environments – literally “small environments” allow separation of certain critical manufacturing activities from other less critical activities occurring within the same production environment. One Source Environmental, LLC has designed thousands of these Mini or Micro Environments for a wide variety of industries. Our MEV’s are standard OEM components on many production tools and we regularly work with clients to design custom Mini-Environments for very specific needs. Give us a call today to learn more about these amazingly effective manufacturing enclosures.
- Custom Semiconductor Tool with removable shield that separates critical airflow within the unit and directs ultra clean air to specific areas as needed by the process
- Reticle Mini environment was made as a test station for 200mm microelectronic circuit masks
- Press Bench Mini Designed for a heavy press system. Unit has special wheels that can retract to stationary feet (self leveling) incorporates specific electrical convenience outlets and LED lighting. Unit shown with 3 Fan Filter Units that are MODBUS and fully controllable with a handheld unit or potentiometer.
- Mobile Ebara Mini Environment designed to mate to a specific process tool and be rolled away for periodic equipment maintenance activity.
- Off gassing glove box used for timed off gassing of 300mm wafers after specific process step. Includes interlocks and exhaust (blastgate) connection and HEPA filter Fan Filtered Air.
- Designed for a specific Nuclear process where 3 separate ISO Classified sections are presented within the same form factor. Technicians can work from both sides of the finished unit. Interior outlets and adjustable LED lighting included in the design.
- Mapper Mini Environments manufactured to house sensitive electronic mapping tools in semiconductor manufacturing environment. Fan Filter Units are absent in photo.
- KLA Metrology tool mini environment used to provide Ultra Clean ULPA filtered air over critical wafer inspection tools.
- Parts cooling station with horizontal ULPA filtered air moving from back to front. Unit designed to maintain part cleanliness while cooling before next process step.
- Powder Balance Enclosure for pharmaceutical application provides HEPA filtered buffer for powder weighing operations.
- Electric cart with Mini-Environment installed on the rear of a Cushman car. Unit designed to carry glass circuit molds between non-cleanroom areas of a facility. Unit has interlocks to mate with a transport cart (molds are heavy). Unit also has some sophisticated vibration dampening under the battery operated “clean” module.
- Clean Environment Workstations suitable for use within cleanrooms. Incorporates specific electrical convenience outlets, LED lighting and process piping.